Want to expand your global business activities with the right people in the right places…
… by developing a compelling value proposition to hire, transfer and retain people globally?
… by providing seamless support and guidance throughout your people’s journey abroad to keep them focused and engaged?
…and need a partner who can help you make that happen?

Global Organizational Change

- Guidance and Support with setting up Global/Regional Hubs or Local Branch Offices (including assessment of talent availability, legal requirements, costs)
- Guidance and Support with Global internal Talent Reviews and Competence Assessments (incl. Gap Analysis and Action Planning)
Frameworks, Processes, Standards

- Review and Development of Global Recruitment and Assignment policies and guidelines
- Development of Guidelines for Global Project and Remote Work
- Review and Development of Standard Employment and Secondment Agreements
- Guidance on the Design of effective Approval Processes
Compensation & Benefits

- Guidance and Support with developing and communicating Individual Salary Proposals based on Net-Net Comparisons considering Differences in Cost of Living, Housing, Taxation, Social Security and other Benefits.
- Guidance and Support with preparing Cost Estimates for approval, budgetting and controlling
- Consulting pertaining to Global Benefit Solutions relating to Relocation, Housing, Family Concerns, Retirement Planning, Insurances, etc.

- Guidance and Support with establishing internal processes and payroll pertaining to Cross-border situations to ensure compliance with tax and social security laws in the respective countries
- Consulting relating to
- Social Security and the impact of international agreements and EU regulations
- Contractual agreements relating to employment and secondment
- Immigration requirements and implications in both Germany and the United States
Employee Guidance, Support & Advocacy

- One face to the customer, leveraging service partners at the backend for indivdidual service delivery.

- Intercultural Competence
- Career and Life Transition
- Grief and Loss (see ExpatGrief.com)